Sunday, January 11, 2015

So, as a mother of 4 grown children, whom have all recently flown,  I have found myself at a loss.  I have always lived for my kids. What's a girl to do?  I decided I would try my hand at some things that interest me. I'm not afraid to dive right in to things. Recently I had this interest in pallet furniture. I mean it's cheap, it appeared easy, and it is way cool looking.Pallet furniture does not have to be precise. That is the beauty of it!
            My niece has a beautiful toddler boy, who was in need of a toy box so, I thought, "This is my chance to try." I went on facebook and inquired from friends where I might find some pallets and then took to the streets. I did find a pet store with a bunch of pallets outside, and when I asked if they would sell them, they gave them to me. There were 5. I brought then home and got to work disassembling them. I tried EVERYTHING to get those silly things apart. I even bought a new Pry bar at $15. I was not happy to find it did not budge the pallets. I went online and did a search and found that I needed to use a Sawzall. I got my husband's Sawzall and started straight down the nails.5 pallets in 25 minutes DONE!

            I looked for plans online, and never quite found what I saw in my mind, so I improvised on one that I saw that I sort of liked. The pallets I found had some pieces of would with little arches cut out of them that I though would be cute to incorporate into the sides and could be used for handles. You'll see in the pictures what I mean.
               When I got done piecing the toy box together I realized it was going to be a much bigger trunk than I was planning lol, so I though I'd better add casters to make it easier to roll. I burned his name in the bottom right hand corner with a soldering iron I had in the shop. It worked perfectly! I had always admired the color scheme I had seen lately in the stores, so I thought I would try it. Home Depot sells sample sizes of paint that make it very budget friendly. Here's the finished project!

 I hope you like it as much as I do. It was not hard, but if you want more details, let me know, I will be happy to answer questions. Fire away! If you can see my floor in this picture, this is another project I did myself. It is called "brown paper bag floor". I will go through my experience with this floor in a future blog entry! 

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