Monday, January 26, 2015

Please be patient with my blog. I am having technical difficulties with my media. I am hoping to get it worked out in the next few days. I am really itchin' to get all my new stuff up. Stay tuned please!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Swiffer Wet Jet-How to refill

             I was mopping a mess up in my floor and ran out of cleaning fluid in my wet jet, and so I decided to try to refill it. Well, they make it so that you can't get the lid off, so that you have to purchase more. I'm not that easily deterred, so now here is my way if getting the lid off, and refilling for pennies!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Deep conditioning mask for dry damaged hair.

         People always tell me my hair is beautiful. Most of that is genetics, and I can't take any credit for that, and, by all rights, I shouldn't have beautiful hair with all the ways I abuse it! I color extensively, I blow dry, curl, straighten, scrunch, add tons of product to it..... it's really amazing that I still have hair. One thing I have noticed is that if you are good at conditioning, it covers a lot of hair sins. Here I am showing my favorite deep conditioning mask that you can do at home. Its very easy,and is really good for restoring hair to a healthier state. Hope you try it and like it :)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

So, as a mother of 4 grown children, whom have all recently flown,  I have found myself at a loss.  I have always lived for my kids. What's a girl to do?  I decided I would try my hand at some things that interest me. I'm not afraid to dive right in to things. Recently I had this interest in pallet furniture. I mean it's cheap, it appeared easy, and it is way cool looking.Pallet furniture does not have to be precise. That is the beauty of it!
            My niece has a beautiful toddler boy, who was in need of a toy box so, I thought, "This is my chance to try." I went on facebook and inquired from friends where I might find some pallets and then took to the streets. I did find a pet store with a bunch of pallets outside, and when I asked if they would sell them, they gave them to me. There were 5. I brought then home and got to work disassembling them. I tried EVERYTHING to get those silly things apart. I even bought a new Pry bar at $15. I was not happy to find it did not budge the pallets. I went online and did a search and found that I needed to use a Sawzall. I got my husband's Sawzall and started straight down the nails.5 pallets in 25 minutes DONE!

            I looked for plans online, and never quite found what I saw in my mind, so I improvised on one that I saw that I sort of liked. The pallets I found had some pieces of would with little arches cut out of them that I though would be cute to incorporate into the sides and could be used for handles. You'll see in the pictures what I mean.
               When I got done piecing the toy box together I realized it was going to be a much bigger trunk than I was planning lol, so I though I'd better add casters to make it easier to roll. I burned his name in the bottom right hand corner with a soldering iron I had in the shop. It worked perfectly! I had always admired the color scheme I had seen lately in the stores, so I thought I would try it. Home Depot sells sample sizes of paint that make it very budget friendly. Here's the finished project!

 I hope you like it as much as I do. It was not hard, but if you want more details, let me know, I will be happy to answer questions. Fire away! If you can see my floor in this picture, this is another project I did myself. It is called "brown paper bag floor". I will go through my experience with this floor in a future blog entry!